Although in recent years marriage institution becomes less and less popular phenomenon among youngsters, many people around the world are still interested in bounding their relationships with this worldwide socio-cultural ritual. Sometimes we receive invitations to weddings we don’t want to go. In order to say “no” without making it sound weird or unfriendly, it is important to keep in mind time-tested techniques.
How to Start
Classify this Person
Intuitively we understand the role of each person that takes a certain place in our life. However, since we may receive the wedding in offline mode, we have to always remember about our starting point for this conversation. In general, there are three types of people who may be close enough for you to invite you to their wedding.
• buddies (barely known people who are good to you)
• mates (people who can help you in certain situations)
• friends (people who are willing to help you in any situation)
Opening Line
Whichever type of a friendly person wants to see you at the wedding, one of the best ways for you to respond is by showing your honesty. Depending on how this person is close to you, you choose the way of how to deliver your message. It doesn’t mean that you have to show your honesty in the full scale, but you have to make it clear that you have no intentions to lie either. These are some examples of how you can start:
“Do you want me to lie?”
“I want to tell you as it is”
“Look, I want to be honest with you”
But if for some reason your simple refusal is not enough, you might want to get deeper into the details of other aspects of your truth.
Ways to Continue
Social Anxiety
If you are one of the people who doesn’t like to be a part of big companies, telling your friend as it is should not be a problem. The main thing you want to put in your message is not only that you have this problem, but that you also don’t want it to have a negative effect on the day of celebration as well.
Other Plans
Not being able to reschedule the important thing you have already planned is one of the best excuses to miss a wedding you don’t want to go to. It is one of the tricks you got to be able to make anytime, since you can always bump into engaged person who wants you to be at the ceremony.
Important Detail
If it’s one of your best friends, refusing to go to the wedding can to a certain degree break this person’s heart. Especially when you are in the same town. If you can’t be present because of the respectful reason and you care about these relationships, sending flowers will be the greatest gesture of friendship you can make for that person at the day of the wedding. It will show your friend that you care about this event which will make it impossible for that person to be mad at your absence.
About the Author:
Zack Hargrove is a remote editor. His teammates provide professional assignment writing service to anyone. His colleagues also specialize in java coding help. Many of his topics are dedicated to music, fitness, education and ways of strengthening your scientific curiosity. You can find him on Twitter @zackhargrovejr.