Best Places To Travel For Fall Leaf Peeping

Fall is near, and it’s time to start planning your yearly leaf-peeping adventures. You don’t have to visit the same old places you always do. Try something new this year. Explore the various landscapes offered by the diverse geography of the United States.

If you’re not sure where to start looking, try starting right where you are. Read through this brief overview, featuring some of the best leaf-peeping destinations to visit in the fall. Start planning your next road trip today.

Travel the Blue Ridge Parkway

North Carolina and Virginia play host to the breathtaking Blue Ridge Parkway and two national parks. Your travel group can enjoy some excellent camping spots in the Great Smoky Mountains, or check out the hiking trails in Shenandoah.

You’ll enjoy more than just the sight of the leaves changing colors on the Blue Ridge Parkway. You’ll see 19th-century farmhouses, the awe-inspiring triple summits of Peaks of Otter, and much more.

Just be sure to keep your eyes on the road while you’re driving. You don’t want to deal with a car accident and all the legal consequences on your adventures. Such situations tend to taint the fun levels when you’re on a road trip.

Check out the Green Mountain Byway

For a centrally located prime peeping location, check out the 11-miles of beauty offered by the Green Mountain Byway in Vermont. You can stop by the Cider Mill for some warm pumpkin rolls and fresh cider donuts.

The accommodations in the area are just as cozy as the landscape along the Green Mountain Byway. For a more cozy experience, check out the bed and breakfast accommodation along the route.

Head west to Colorado for a different scene

Colorado is an excellent place to road trip for more reasons than one. Travel the Million Dollar Highway, and see the sights you seek. You’ll pass masses of morphing aspen trees, America’s dictated ski country, Telluride, and a few other things along the way.

You’ll want to commit at least two days to truly explore the full scope of Colorado’s Million Dollar Highway. No worries, though, there are plenty of cozy spots to grab a bed along the route.

Massachusetts has the Mohawk Trail

The Mohawk Trail was not originally purposed as a prime peeping place. It was originally used by various Native American tribes to pass goods and make trades along the Atlantic coast.

Driving this stretch of road will only take a couple hours, but your eyes will be more than satisfied with the mountainous views with cascading spectacles of color. Take it easy around Dead Man’s Curve, as it’s quite a bit more than a simple curve.


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