The Bitcoin frenzy has conquered the world’s attention in recent months. Few, however, know the potential and possibilities that lie in acquiring and spending this seemingly sought after currency. Let’s take a closer look. is one of the many search platforms used to find companies, businesses, and industries that accept cryptocurrency payments worldwide. Those whose fingers are on the pulse of digital currency are aware of the diverse nature of these industries, which range from real estate agents to dental and law firms, tech service providers, hardware and body shops
Canadians love to travel, both within their own country and abroad. Statistics Canada says that in 2016, the top five countries Canadians visit were the US, Mexico, United Kingdom, France and Cuba. This translated into millions of dollars spent in those countries, with the US receiving the lion’s share of foreign exchange of the almost 20,000 million Canadian dollars spent in North America. Canadians are powering their flight and destination possibilities with credit cards that not only provide travel rewards but cash back, companion flights, points, great insurance and the
Bitcoin, a digital cryptocurrency, has rapidly sprung into popular awareness in recent times. There has been different, often competing narratives regarding what bitcoin is, which has left many searching for answers. So, what is bitcoin, and how does it differ from other currencies? (Source: Pixabay) Firstly, it is the first decentralized currency, which in plain terms means that its system enables payments to be sent between users. This can be done through various ways such as mobile phone to mobile phone, without having to pass through a central authority, such
In the world of make believe trading, the cyber-streets of the Internet are paved with gold. You sit down at the computer and run your fingers across its keys like a concert pianist about to play a Beethoven concerto with this technology. In no time you have not just a successful trade but a phenomenal win and you are calling your car dealer for the swankiest limo in town….. Meanwhile back in the real world, where such dreams are a million miles from the truth, it is for the protection
How to Save Money to Travel: 6 Ways to Increase Your Travel Fun! If you’re interested in doubling your travel fund’s contents in the next six month, simply continue reading to discover 6 ways to increase your travel fund. How to Save Money to Travel: 6 Ways to Increase Your Travel Fund 1. Opt to purchase more affordable brands of clothing While you might have expensive taste and may prefer to purchase branded clothing, if you’re serious about saving money towards your next trip, you may want to shop around